Climb To Greater Heights With Our Gear
You just can’t afford to go cheap and nasty when outfitting yourself with outdoor gear. Rock climbing is no exception. It’s all about your safety w...
How To Buy The Right Tent For Cold-Weather Camping
We specialise in tents for challenging conditions and more intrepid outdoor enthusiasts. While there are plenty of places selling family-sized tent...
How Cold Does It Get in NZ?? This Cold!!
A lot of our advice is aimed at those of you who are new to the joys of outdoor exploration in New Zealand. But even the most experienced hikers, t...
Cotton Isn't Cool For Winter Outdoor Clothing
When it comes to outdoor clothing in NZ winter conditions, cotton isn’t cool because it keeps you too cool! That might not make much sense at first...
Osprey: A One Man Brand
We outdoor enthusiasts love Osprey in NZ. It’s one of the biggest sellers in our entire range and that comes down to one simple thing: all Osprey p...
Put Hot And Hearty On The Menu For Winter Camping
Winter camping is popular in New Zealand, especially with experienced outdoor enthusiasts like us. There are fewer people about, the change in seas...
Can You Handle Avalanche Country?
One of the most important pieces of equipment in our range of climbing gear is the small but live-saving avalanche transceiver. New Zealand’s Mount...
The Guide To Safer River Crossings
We sell a lot of floating sunglasses in NZ. They’re a smart and stylish idea and just the thing you want to be wearing when you’re around the water...
We'd Be Lost Without Search & Rescue Volunteers
Where would you be without our search & rescue volunteers? Lost! You’d be just as lost without an emergency locator beacon in NZ outdoor condit...
Turn A Walk Into A Workout With Poles
If you’ve been wondering why you’re seeing more people using walking poles while exercising in your neighbourhood, wonder no more. Walking poles gi...
Food Mistakes Beginners Make
You might invest in the best camping stove in NZ but that’s no guarantee you’re in for a delicious time of it during your next outdoor adventure. W...
Before Your Trip, Ask Yourself These Questions
If you’re planning that grand outdoor adventure you’ve long been dreaming about, we can help you with the country’s best selection of camping and t...